9 research outputs found

    Live Virtual Constructive (LVC): Interface Control Document (ICD) for the LVC Gateway

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    This Interface Control Document (ICD) documents and tracks the necessary information required for the Live Virtual and Constructive (LVC) systems components as well as protocols for communicating with them in order to achieve all research objectives captured by the experiment requirements. The purpose of this ICD is to clearly communicate all inputs and outputs from the subsystem components

    An Experimental Study of a Separated/Reattached Flow Behind a Backward-Facing Step. Re(sub h) = 37,000

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    An experimental study was carried out to investigate turbulent structure of a two-dimensional incompressible separating/reattaching boundary layer behind a backward-facing step. Hot-wire measurement technique was used to measure three Reynolds stresses and higher-order mean products of velocity fluctuations. The Reynolds number, Re(sub h), based on the step height, h, and the reference velocity, U(sub 0), was 37,000. The upstream oncoming flow was fully developed turbulent boundary layer with the Re(sub theta) = 3600. All turbulent properties, such as Reynolds stresses, increase dramatically downstream of the step within an internally developing mixing layer. Distributions of dimensionless mean velocity, turbulent quantities and antisymmetric distribution of triple velocity products in the separated free shear layer suggest that the shear layer above the recirculating region strongly resembles free-shear mixing layer structure. In the reattachment region close to the wall, turbulent diffusion term balances the rate of dissipation since advection and production terms appear to be negligibly small. Further downstream, production and dissipation begin to dominate other transport processes near the wall indicating the growth of an internal turbulent boundary layer. In the outer region, however, the flow still has a memory of the upstream disturbance even at the last measuring station of 51 step-heights. The data show that the structure of the inner layer recovers at a much faster rate than the outer layer structure. The inner layer structure resembles the near-wall structure of a plane zero pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer (plane TBL) by 25h to 30h, while the outer layer structure takes presumably over 100h

    Backward-facing step measurements at low Reynolds number, Re(sub h)=5000

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    An experimental study of the flow over a backward-facing step at low Reynolds number was performed for the purpose of validating a direct numerical simulation (DNS) which was performed by the Stanford/NASA Center for Turbulence Research. Previous experimental data on back step flows were conducted at Reynolds numbers and/or expansion ratios which were significantly different from that of the DNS. The geometry of the experiment and the simulation were duplicated precisely, in an effort to perform a rigorous validation of the DNS. The Reynolds number used in the DNS was Re(sub h)=5100 based on step height, h. This was the maximum possible Reynolds number that could be economically simulated. The boundary layer thickness, d, was approximately 1.0 h in the simulation and the expansion ratio was 1.2. The Reynolds number based on the momentum thickness, Re(sub theta), upstream of the step was 610. All of these parameters were matched experimentally. Experimental results are presented in the form of tables, graphs and a floppy disk (for easy access to the data). An LDV instrument was used to measure mean velocity components and three Reynolds stresses components. In addition, surface pressure and skin friction coefficients were measured. LDV measurements were acquired in a measuring domain which included the recirculating flow region

    UAS-NAS Integrated Human in the Loop: Test Environment Report

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    The desire and ability to fly Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) is of increasing urgency. The application of unmanned aircraft to perform national security, defense, scientific, and emergency management are driving the critical need for less restrictive access by UAS to the NAS. UAS represent a new capability that will provide a variety of services in the government (public) and commercial (civil) aviation sectors. The growth of this potential industry has not yet been realized due to the lack of a common understanding of what is required to safely operate UAS in the NAS. NASA's UAS Integration in the NAS Project is conducting research in the areas of Separation Assurance/Sense and Avoid Interoperability (SSI), Human Systems Integration (HSI), and Communication to support reducing the barriers of UAS access to the NAS. This research was broken into two research themes namely, UAS Integration and Test Infrastructure. UAS Integration focuses on airspace integration procedures and performance standards to enable UAS integration in the air transportation system, covering Sense and Avoid (SAA) performance standards, command and control performance standards, and human systems integration. The focus of the Test Infrastructure theme was to enable development and validation of airspace integration procedures and performance standards, including the execution of integrated test and evaluation. In support of the integrated test and evaluation efforts, the Project developed an adaptable, scalable, and schedulable relevant test environment incorporating live, virtual, and constructive elements capable of validating concepts and technologies for unmanned aircraft systems to safely operate in the NAS. To accomplish this task, the Project planned to conduct three integrated events: a Human-in-the-Loop simulation and two Flight Test series that integrated key concepts, technologies and/or procedures in a relevant air traffic environment. Each of the integrated events were built on the technical achievements, fidelity and complexity of previous simulations and tests, resulting in research findings that support the development of regulations governing the access of UAS into the NAS. The purpose of this document is to describe how well the system under test was representativ

    Message Latency Characterization of a Distributed Live, Virtual, Constructive Simulation Environment

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    A distributed test environment incorporating Live, Virtual, Constructive, (LVC) concepts was developed to execute standalone and integrated simulations and flight-tests that support unmanned aircraft research for NASAs Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project. The LVC components form the core infrastructure that supports simulation of UAS operations by integrating live and virtual aircraft in a realistic air traffic environment. This LVC infrastructure enables efficient testing by leveraging the use of existing distributed assets. The LVC concepts used for the UAS in the NAS project include live aircraft, flight simulators, and virtual air traffic control assets operating at facilities distributed across multiple NASA Centers. With a distributed network, however, there is a concern that message latency could impact the realism of a simulation and its data. The latencies associated with sending data among these distributed facilities were, therefore, measured to ensure that they fall within acceptable parameters. Several live and virtual test assets were integrated into the LVC infrastructure including NASA Armstrongs Ikhana MQ-9 unmanned aircraft, NASA Glenns S3-B manned aircraft, and the B747 flight simulator at NASA Ames. Average latencies from 100 to 150 milliseconds were observed between the LVC System running at NASA Ames and each of the participating NASA Centers under a light-to-moderate (fifty aircraft) traffic sample

    Developing an Adaptable NextGen Interface for the UAS Ground Control Station

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    Presently a significant number of unmanned aircraft are not included in the existing National Airspace System surveillance system. This is due to many reasons including an inability to carry Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast equipment for weight or power consumption deficiencies, legacy equipment usage, and the experimental nature of unmanned aircraft. In addition, pilots on the ground do not have the situation awareness to proximal aircraft pilots in the cockpit have. However, many unmanned aircraft utilize a link between the aircraft and ground control station that includes periodic updates to the aircraft position. Technologies have been developed to provide the existing national surveillance system with the location of the aircraft while at the same time providing the ground pilot a display with aircraft that are in the aircrafts proximity, thus expanding the national surveillance data as well as provide increased pilot situation awareness

    RUMS - Realtime Visualization and Evaluation of Live, Virtual, Constructive Simulation Data

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    This paper describes the tools and display capabilities being developed to visualize aircraft flight and trajectory information that is produced during a distributed Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) simulation events involving a mix of manned and unmanned aircraft. This paper discusses the design approach and general software architecture of the Remote User Monitor Service (RUMS) application. The simulations and flight tests are conducted over a nationwide network with components communicating via software gateways that translate the messages and provide a location to access and collect data. The data collected is not only archived for post-processing and analysis, but also processed in real-time by RUMS, which allows dynamic viewing of the information via a web browser. This real-time dynamic viewing of the data allows test conductors and researchers to monitor the health of the distributed system and of the data being collected not only in situ where tests are conducted but also at remote locations